Rob Gonzalez hails from the Rocky Mountains of Idaho where he grew up white water rafting, skiing, and re-watching Jurassic Park regularly. He originally joined Austin Film Festival immediately upon moving to Austin in 2016 in order to intern in the AFF Film...
Allison Vanore is an Emmy Award-winning producer of the acclaimed series “After Forever.” Between 2015-2019 Allison served as the Head of Production for Canvas Media Studios where she produced pilots and series such as “Wear It to Win It” for...
Tyler Gillett is a film, television and new media director, writer and producer based in Los Angeles. One of the founding members of the filmmaking collective Radio Silence, his recent directing credits include the Sundance hit V/H/S, 20th Century Fox’s Devil’s...
Kentucky-born LA-raised Allison Anders is an award-winning screenwriter and film and TV director whose work includes Border Radio, Gas Food Lodging, Mi Vida Loca, Grace Of My Heart, and Sugartown. She’s directed episodes of Sex And The City, Orange Is The New...
Marissa Devins is a Partner in the Television Literary Department at United Talent Agency, where she represents a number of the industry’s top emerging television creators, showrunners, writer-producers and writer-performers. Some of her clients include Chelsea...