Allison Vanore is an Emmy Award-winning producer of the acclaimed series “After Forever.” Between 2015-2019 Allison served as the Head of Production for Canvas Media Studios where she produced pilots and series such as “Wear It to Win It” for Facebook and “Vanity” which garnered her first Emmy nomination in 2016. Allison’s latest feature credits include the award-winning films “Buck Run” (Palm Springs 2019), “The Rainbow Experiment” (Gravitas 2018), and “42 Seconds of Happiness” (Indie Rights 2017).
Allison’s latest series credits include five-time Emmy Award winning “After Forever” (Amazon 2018-), “Dark/Web” (Amazon 2019-), and “Limelight” (Yarn app 2018-19). Allison is published in the book “Thriving in Hollywood!: Tenacious Tales & Tactics from Ms. In The Biz.” She also serves on the executive board of Women in Media, an organization that advocates for gender parity in the entertainment industry.