Dropouts: An Overcast Documentary

After struggling for years to launch their music video company in Tempe, Arizona, Tommy and Danny start rise to success through new age internet strategies and sheer determination.
Writer: Tyler McEvilly & Hasan Taleb
Director: Tyler McEvilly & Hasan Taleb
Producer: Tyler McEvilly & Hasan Taleb
Cinematographer: Hasan Taleb
Assistant Editor: Dalton VossCast: Thomas Bauer, Daniel Jordan K., Christian "CQ" Quiroz, Lucas Ochs-Messick

Tyler McEvilly

Tyler has been passionate about film since his early days of high school. He loves watching and discussing movies with his friends and family, sometimes annoying them with film quips. Since coming to University of Arizona, his interest in music and hip hop has influenced his filmmaking and led him to his senior thesis film about a rising music-video production company. Tyler hopes to move to LA after graduation and pursue a career in film or television development.

Hasan Taleb

Hasan sees film as a way to learn more about life and discover new passions rather than a fixed career path. He has immersed himself in many different areas of filmmaking throughout college and while he has enjoyed every second of every experience, he now plans to embark on a new journey in life, wherever that may be. Whatever he ends up doing, the knowledge he has gained at the University of Arizona Film and Television Program will be invaluable to him and he is excited to discover a new path to travel, carrying everything he has learned so far with him along the way.

2021 FILMS



Crushing Dandelions

Crushing Dandelions

Dropouts: An Overcast Documentary

Dropouts: An Overcast Documentary

En La Cuna De Mi Madre

En La Cuna De Mi Madre





In Loving Memory

In Loving Memory

Lucid Dreamers

Lucid Dreamers

Midnight Snack

Midnight Snack

One-Way Mirror

One-Way Mirror

Scripture and Scholarship

Scripture and Scholarship



The Last Axiom (series pitch)

The Last Axiom (series pitch)

Treasures Beneath My Tree

Treasures Beneath My Tree

Where the Rotting Lemons Fall

Where the Rotting Lemons Fall